- Admissions
Sixth Form Admissions
2024 Admissions - Sixth Form
Apply for a place in Year 13
Students who wish to apply for a place in Year 13 having previously studied in another school may download the following form:
Please return this form to Mr D. McCay (Head of Senior School) at Thornhill College, 142 Culmore Road, Derry, BT48 8JF or email to dmccay658@c2kni.net
Please see the link below for a list of the A-Level subject choices on offer in our sixth form.
Criteria for Entry to Year 13 (Lower Sixth)
Students who wish to study 4 AS subjects must have a minimum of 25 points* over 5 subjects at GCSE.
Students who wish to study 3 AS subjects must have a minimum of 17 points* over 7 subjects.
*Points are allocated as follows: A* = 5 points A = 4 points B = 3 points C* = 2 points C = 1 point
It is expected that all students who wish to study AS and A Level will have achieved at least a Grade C in English and Maths at GCSE.
In selecting pupils for entry to Year 13 preference will be given in order of priority to:
- Applicants qualifying for entry from Year 12 Thornhill College.
- Applicants from other schools which do not have a sixth form.
- Applicants from other schools.
- Applicants wishing to repeat Year 13 and to whom, in the opinion of the Board of Governors, special circumstances (including a realistic ambition to pursue a particular third level course of study) apply.
Each applicant to Year 13 will:
- Have received a report from the Principal of the applicant’s previous school, indicating a good pattern of work, behaviour, punctuality and attendance* (*An attendance rate of 95% or above is expected, although special circumstances will be taken into consideration).
- Give a parental undertaking of support for the school aims.
- Accept the rules of the school and understand that progress is dependent on adherence to the school rules.
- Be expected to study at least 3 full A Levels or the equivalent.
Criteria for Entry to Year 14 (Upper Sixth)
An applicant will be considered for admission to Year 14 who:
- Has completed Year 13 to the satisfaction of the Principal (normally measured by satisfactory performance, achievement, attendance and conduct).
- Having arrived in the Derry area from outside the school’s traditional catchment area, has completed one year of post-GCSE study or its equivalent in another school, and has submitted a report from their Principal indicating a good pattern of work, attendance, punctuality and behaviour.
- Wishes to repeat Year 14 having been in Thornhill the previous year, having a recommendation from the Principal and claiming special circumstances.
In selecting pupils for entry to Year 14 preference will be given in order of priority to:
- Applicants who have completed Year 13 at Thornhill College to the satisfaction of the Principal (normally measured by satisfactory performance, achievement, 95% attendance and conduct).
- Applicants who, having arrived in the Derry area from outside the school’s traditional catchment area, have completed one year of post-GCSE study or its equivalent in another school and have submitted a report from their Principal indicating a good pattern of work, 95% attendance, punctuality, behaviour and achievement.
- Applicants wishing to repeat Year 14, having completed Year 14 in Thornhill College, and to whom, in the opinion of the Board of Governors, special circumstances (including a realistic ambition to pursue a particular third level course of study) apply and who are recommended by the Principal.
Further Information:
A pupil who satisfies the above requirements for entry to Year 13 or a new applicant to Year 14 will be considered for enrolment provided that:
- The school will not exceed its enrolment number as determined by Department of Education.
- There are sufficient places available within the year group and the relevant teaching groups.